วันเสาร์ที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Learning Log


Learning Log
Inside classroom learning log for 03-Jun-13
                           This day , I am feel  excited  and dreaded to learn  because  it has the first subject for to learn the curriculum and  learning  management  in English subject.  I think about this subject is difficult and very serious.
                           First, the teachers ask students for to speak about your opinion KWL together. K mean  know-know is before to learn at English major, W mean want to lean- want to learn is what things  I want to learn in English major and L mean lean-learn is what I used to learn in English major. Then teacher tell us about test that me must to test such as TOEIC, TOFELS and IEIL.
                           Then teacher give the works for this subject. The works, summarizing the learning log in classroom and four learning skills about listening speaking reading and writing. I think can helps me to practice four learning skills better.
                             The last, I think can use four skills for can use four skills for career and teaching the students in the future.
                             In conclusion1, I think this subject used to learn to use with this subject because is very important for develop to study to me. I can success in the future too.

